7.25.0 - Project Column in the Analysis Files Tab

August 20, 2024


  • Updated the Analysis Files tab to include a project column with the associated output project.

  • Runs will now transition to the "Timed Out" status if they have not completed 14 days after upload starts, or 8 days after secondary analysis starts.

  • Reordered the items in the Status > Requeue menu.

  • Deprecated NeoPrep functionality.

  • Minor UI updates and fixes.

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the sample sheet from loading on the Requeue Sample Sheet page when a custom sample sheet name was used.

  • Fixed an issue that could prevent requeueing runs that were uploaded without an initial sample sheet.

  • Fixed an issue where BCL Convert 2.5.0 was not updating the run status upon completion.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented unzipping a zipped run when the run folder contained a Logs.zip file.

Release 7.25.1 - August 29, 2024

  • Features

    • None.

  • Bugs Fixed

    • Fixed an issue that could cause the Analysis Reports tab to display a blank space instead of a report.

    • Stability and performance improvements.

Last updated