Delete Data
BaseSpace Sequence Hub stores data for sequencing runs, samples, projects, and analyses. You can manage the data in your account and save space by deleting files that you no longer need.
The process to delete data requires two steps: move the data to trash, and then empty the trash. You can restore files that have been moved to trash.
Moving items to the trash, especially items with large amounts of data (eg, projects), can take time. The 'Trash Status' column indicates the percentage of data that has been moved into the trash. Once the status is 'Complete', the item can then be deleted by emptying the trash, or restored back to your account.
The BaseSpace Developers site offers an API to delete base call and related run files (FASTQ and analysis files are not deleted). Use this option to keep a record of a run and its metadata, while reducing storage costs. Contact your IT department or system administrator for assistance.
Delete Runs
Select the Runs tab, and then one or more runs to delete.
Select Move to Trash.
Select the run file types to delete.
Data files only: this option moves run files to reduce your data storage but keeps a record of the run.
Data files and the run record: this option moves everything associated with a run including the record of it.
All run related files: this moves the run files, run record, and all downstream analysis results (eg, FASTQ files).
Verify the deletion, and then select Confirm.
Delete a Project
Do 1 of the following on the Projects tab:
Select a project to delete.
Open a project to delete.
Select Move to Trash.
Verify the deletion, and then select Confirm.
Delete a Sample
Select the Projects tab.
Select the project containing the sample to delete.
Select the checkboxes for the samples to delete.
Select Move to Trash.
Verify the deletion, and then select Confirm.
Deleting a sample will also delete corresponding FASTQ Datasets from the related biosample.
Delete an Analysis
Select the Projects tab.
Select the project containing the analysis to delete.
Select Analyses, and then select the checkbox of the samples to delete.
Select Move to Trash.
Verify the deletion, and then select Confirm.
Analyses with the following statuses are in process and cannot be deleted: Running, Aborting, Payment Complete, or Queued for Analysis.
Delete Datasets
Select the Projects or Biosamples tab.
Select the project or biosample containing the datasets to delete.
Select either the FASTQs or Other Datasets tab.
Select the checkboxes for the datasets to delete.
Select Move to Trash.
Select the dataset file types to delete.
Data files only: this option moves dataset files to reduce your data storage but keeps a record of the dataset.
All files: this option moves everything associated with a dataset including the record of it.
Verify the deletion, and then select confirm.
Restore Deleted Data
Select the Trash icon.
In the Trash window, select the files you want to restore.
Select Restore.
Permanently Remove Deleted Data
Select the Trash icon.
Select Empty Trash.
Last updated
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