
Configure the Run

  1. From the Runs page, select New Run, and then select Prep Tab.

  2. From the Prep page, select NeoPrep.

  3. From the NeoPrep Runs page, select Create New Run to open the Configure Run screen.

  4. Select the Protocol drop-down arrow, and select a protocol, either TruSeq Nano DNA or TruSeq Stranded mRNA.

  5. Select the Version drop-down arrow, and select a version of NeoPrep control software.

  6. [Optional] In the Notes field, enter any notes.

  7. In the Run Name field, enter a name for the run.

  8. Select the Default Project field, select the project to configure for the run, and then select Confirm.

  9. Select the checkbox for each process you want to run:

    • Prep Library—Requires preparation of libraries.

    • Quantify—Quantifies libraries after library prep is complete.

    • Normalize—Normalizes libraries after quantification is complete.

  10. Complete the following fields as applicable. Read-only or unavailable fields are default selections for the run.

    • Select the Sample Count drop-down arrow, and select the number of samples to include in the run.

    • Select the Index Type drop-down arrow, and select the indexing scheme for the samples.

    • Select the Insert Size drop-down arrow, and select the insert size of the libraries. Mixed insert sizes are specified on the next page.

    • Select the PCR Cycles drop-down arrow, and select the number of PCR cycles for the run.

  11. Select Next.

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