Unlock Biosamples

Biosamples that were converted from samples are automatically locked if they contain data produced by two or more runs. To use the data for analyses, unlock the biosample. Before unlocking a Biosample, review the data to ensure accuracy.

Reviewing Biosample Data

  1. Navigate to the Biosample summary page and select the FASTQ Datasets tab.

  2. Review the data and identify any data that should be excluded.

  3. To exclude data, do the following:

    1. From the Datasets tab, select one or more datasets to exclude.

    2. From the Status menu, point to Change, and then select FASTQ QC.

    3. In the Change FASTQ QC Status dialog box, select QC Failed.

    4. [Optional] Add a comment.

    5. Select Save.

Unlock a Biosample

There are several ways to unlock Biosamples:

To unlock a biosample from the Biosample details page,

  1. Navigate to the Biosample summary page.

  2. A locked Biosample will display a red lock icon in the Biosample Status field.

  3. From the Status menu, point to Unlock, and then select Biosample.

  4. Select Continue.

To unlock multiple biosamples from a biosample list,

  1. Navigate to the Biosample list page or the Project Biosamples tab.

  2. Use the checkboxes to select Biosamples.

  3. From the Status menu, point to Unlock, and then select Biosample.

  4. Select Continue.

Last updated

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