Example 3

In this example, the original request and lab requeue do not produce the required yield before the yield timeout, requiring a second lab requeue.

3a: Yield Requested

A biosample manifest is imported with a prep request required yield of 105 Gbp.

3b: Partial Yield Received

The lab produces 80 Gbp of QC-passed FASTQ data sets. Actual yield is increased and the amount still pending is changed to 15 GBP to reflect the remaining balance. The expected yield does not change because it represents the total amount expected from the lab and includes actual yield and pending yield.

3c: Yield Timeout

Yield timeout is reached with no additional yield received.

The default yield timeout is four days, however you can configure a different timeout period using the BaseSpace Sequence Hub API. For more information, see the developer documentation at developer.basespace.illumina.com.

When the yield timeout is reached, BaseSpace Sequence Hub assumes that the lab is unable to produce the requested quantity. The amount pending is classified as missing, and the expected yield is reduced to the actual yield received, indicating that no additional data are expected from the lab.

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3d: Lab Requeue for Additional Yield

A lab requeue for more yield is initiated. In this example, the user requested more than the missing amount.

  • Expected yield updates. The updated amount reflects the quantity received from the initial request and the additional amount requested from the lab requeue. The required yield does not change because that is the amount of data required for analysis.

  • Missing yield is reset to zero.

  • Requested yield updates on the Requeues tab.

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3e: Partial Requeue Data Received

The lab produces 20 Gbp of QC-passed FASTQ data sets. Actual yield is increased and the amount still pending is changed to 10 GBP to reflect the remaining balance. The expected yield does not change because it represents the total amount expected from the lab and includes actual yield and pending yield.

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3f: Lab Requeue Expires

The lab requeue expires after the timeout period. As with the yield timeout, the amount pending is classified as missing and the expected yield is reduced to the actual yield received, indicating that no additional data are expected from the lab.

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3g: New Lab Requeue

Another lab requeue is initiated for 10 Mbp. The new request is listed on the biosample Requeues tab.

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3h: Lab Requeue Data Received

The lab produces 5 Mbp of QC-passed FASTQ data. The lab requeue is not completely fulfilled but the required yield dependency is met and analyses can automatically launch if they are not waiting for other dependencies.

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