Analysis Configuration Template
Analysis Configuration Template is a template containing configuration/settings for a secondary analysis to allow planning a run on Clarity LIMS. Analysis Configuration Templates created on BaseSpace Sequence Hub can be retrieved and used in a workflow on Clarity Lab Information Management System (LIMS).
To use Analysis Configuration Template, please turn on the Advanced LIMS Run Planning from the User Account Settings page (Note that only Workgroup owner has the permission to change this setting). Once the setting is enabled, go to the Resources page by selecting Resources from the User Account menu and select the Analysis Configuration Templates tab.
Create an Analysis Configuration Template
In the Template Name field, enter a unique name of your preference to identify the template.
[Optional] In the Template Description field, enter a description for the template.
Select the Instrument Platform
Analysis Configuration Template is currently only supported for NovaSeq X Series.
Select the analysis location.
Cloud - Analyze sequencing data using Illumina pipeline in the cloud.
Local - Analyze sequencing data on-instrument.
Select an analysis type and version from the Application dropdown.
Select the Reference Genome (only applicable if analysis type is not BCL Convert).
Enter other settings that are applicable for the selected analysis.
RNA Differential Expression settings is not supported in Analysis Configuration Template. Please setup the Differential Expression on BaseSpace Sequence Hub after creating the planned run on Clarity.
Select Save to save the template.
The saved template shall be available on Clarity LIMS. After a run is planned on Clarity LIMS, it can be opened on BaseSpace Sequence Hub Run Planning for further editing. Please note that sample and kit information are not editable.
Edit an existing Analysis Configuration Template
To begin editing, click on the template name hyperlink
Update the settings
Select the Save button to save the changes or the Cancel button otherwise
Delete an existing Analysis Configuration Template
To delete a template, select the trash button located at the right most column.
Last updated
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