March 3, 2020 - 5.43 - NextSeq 1000/2000 Instrument Run Setup
Prep tab is renamed to Run Planning and includes two menu options: Instrument Run Setup (supporting NextSeq 1000 and NextSeq 2000 systems) and the original Prep page for other systems.
Changed billing options for third-party apps. Billing is disabled for new apps and pricing for existing apps cannot be changed.
Increased the number of supported characters for adapter sequences to 128.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue that would cause an error when a custom name was used for a sample sheet.
Fixed an issue in the Move Runs to Trash dialog that allowed more than one option to be selected.
Fixed an issue where long app names were shortened in the header of app input forms.
Fixed the display of yield records when all data sets are deleted. The yield record is now removed entirely instead of displaying 0 bp.
Release 5.43.1 - March 4, 2020
Bug Fixes
Performance and stability fixes.
Release 5.43.2 - March 18, 2020
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue that could occur while deleting a dataset.
Release 5.43.3 - March 23, 2020
Bug Fixes
Prevented an intermittent error message that could appear when accessing the website.
Last updated
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